Today is the delivery day for a customer.Thank you for your trust and long-term cooperation.
It has been more than two years since we started our cooperation with the first order, during which we have cooperated many times.We are very glad that the customer is very satisfied with our products and they recognize us as their only supplier.
The products shipped this time include 600-6000MHz Antenna, 600-6000MHz Microstrip/Wilkinson Power Splitter, 600-6000MHz Directional Coupler, 600-6000MHz 4x4 Hybrid Combiner,Jumper Cables and Connectors.These products will be used in the customer's 5G market.We are also very honored that our products can go abroad to serve the whole world, for the development of the world's communication to contribute a force.
Do you have any questions ?
Call Us : +86 551 65329702