This Critical Comunication Coverage System include all our 400MHz product,with low VSWR,low PIM,with high quality and good look,i believe they will be attract to you,and same time we'd like to being your loyal supporter,come and join us!
The base station duplexer is ideal for high power, close frequency separation installations. These filters are designed for combining two frequencies or they can be used as efficient pre-selectors.
The Amplifier is designed to provide a more cost-effective solution than adding a new Base Transceiver Station (BTS) to extend signal coverage and to improve communication quality in dual system. And its easy installation and maintenance can help carrier get fast return.
The base station duplexer is ideal for high power, close frequency separation installations. These filters are designed for combining two frequencies or they can be used as efficient pre-selectors. If higher levels of isolation are required, please consider using 6 cavity configuratio1
50W Hybrid Coupler with Low PIM,the frequency is 400-430MHz,the Connector type is N-Female,waterproofing grade around IP65,Choose one RF Hybrid Coupler,400-430MHz 50w Hybrid Coupler is a better choice for you!
Omni-directional ceiling antenna apply to In-building use,also the signal coverage is relatively wide,usually you can choose 400-430MHz Antenna or inform your custom requirments if you want to different technical specifications.
150-174/403-512 MHz Combiner with Low PIM Widely Used in IBS&BAS,it is belong to VHF Combiner.Maniron's High quality and strict test will meet your professional needs.