  • Goods to be shipped Goods to be shipped May , 14 2021
    Here are some goods to be deliveryed to our cilents in Spain ,Germany etc. These products  like powr divider,filter and attenuator are labeled and packed according to customers'requires. Shipping mark & logo can be customized for big order.And we are delighted to support sample before mass product.Our faith is taking every order serviously.
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  • What is a coaxial isolator and its function What is a coaxial isolator and its function Mar , 16 2024
    A coaxial isolator is a passive electronic device that is commonly used in RF (Radio Frequency) and microwave systems. Its primary function is to provide isolation, which means it prevents undesired signals or reflections from traveling back along the transmission line. The isolator is usually inserted between two components or systems to ensure signal integrity and protect sensitive devices from ...
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