The power divider is generally divided into two types: rf microstrip(wilkinson) and cavity power splitter. The inside of the rf cavity power divider is a copper rod with a diameter decreasing in steps from thick to thin, which is long enough to realize the change of impedance.
The microstrip/wilkinson power splitter is composed of several microstrip lines and several resistors to realize the change of impedance.Input/output Voltage Standing Wave Ratio/VSWR: refers to the matching of input/output ports. Because the output port of the cavity power divider is not 50 ohms, there is no VSWR requirement for the output port of the cavity power divider,The input port requirement is generally 1.3-1.4, or even 1.15, while the microstrip/wilkinson power divider has requirements for each port, with the general range of input: 1.2-1.3 and output: 1.3.
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