Telecom Questions

●What does target RSL mean?
This means the received signal level, which is the power value to be received form the microwave link
●What is the feeder cable?
It is a copper cable used to send and receive the signal and transmit it form the cabinet to the antenna
●What is the IF Cable?
It is also a copper cable, but it is used to transmit microwave signals+the power form the modem cards aligned with the ODU.
●What are fiber cables used for in mobile telecom?
It has to uses as follows:
First to transmit 3G,4G,5G signals form the cabinet to the Remote Radio Unit (RRU)
The second use is for sending and receiving SDH frame signals, and for some E-band links
●What does the word AM mean?
It's meaning is adaptive modulation, which is the change in type of modulation in microwave links depending on the change in the state of the channel, BER .
●What does the word BER mean?
This is the percentage of error that occurs in the data during transmission
●What does the word LOS mean?
It's meaning is the line of sight, or in a more correct sense, that microwave links must be in the same line of sight and they are completely in purpose.
●What does the word alignment mean?
This means adjusting the microwave links, so that the best signal is received
What does the word XPIC mean?
Cancellation of cross-polarization interference this means sending and receiving data on the same frequency, but using two types of polarization, which are vertical and horizontal to double the speed.
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#TelecomEngineer #telecommunication
#mobile #microwave #Antenna #mobile