New year holiday coming ---Snake year 2025/01/24
2025 is a Gregorian calendar year with 365 days and 53 weeks, 19 days less than the year of the Snake. In the year of the Snake in the lunar calendar, from January 29, 2025 to February 16, 2026, it is a double spring year with a leap month of June, totaling 384 days. The difference between the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar is 19 days, which is also a comparative number of days.

Speaking of 2025, the first thing to mention is its main branch, the year of Yi Si. We know that B belongs to wood and Si belongs to fire, and the combination of the two creates a good situation of "wood fire interaction". Therefore, overall, 2025 is a year of intense fire. The Year of the Snake is widely regarded among the people as a year full of spiritual energy, symbolizing rebirth and transformation. Imagine in the fields of spring, grass grows and birds fly, and everything revives, as if everything is singing and dancing. Every time spring comes, people's hopes also revive. 2025 is approaching, accompanied not only by the sound of the New Year's bell, but also by an intangible tension and anticipation. There is a folk saying that goes, 'When the green snake meets two springs, it clashes with the Tai Sui in four directions.' It sounds both mysterious and meaningful, but it is even more important to have confidence, seize opportunities, meet challenges, and create your own spring!

Maniron celebrate the new year holiday these days , will have holiday from 26th. Jan to 5th. Feb.   Let's talk about the rf splitter, combiner, antenna etc. for wireless coverage solutions in new year. 

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